Our team

Pradeesh CV

Managing Director

An enthusiastic young talented young man, whose life came across with the technicality of photography, from the moment on his passion becomes his profession, now it’s been 10 + years in this field of expertise and become an entrepreneur. the vast experience and deep knowledge made him an expert and also a mentor. his passion for work made him be the mastermind of each project’s and also made his unique signature in each project.



It is the duty of NWC to find unique skilled photographers to join our team.
Vipin is such a skilled photographer with experience over 8+ years and our foremost senior photographer from 2014. His journey begins as a computer graphics animator later which turns into the vast field of photography and earned his positions in NWC with his skills and talents.

Aju AJ


He a unique, young aspirant in NWC mostly focusing on Candid Photography and Portraits, who started his career as light assistance in 2016. his determination, hard work, and his passion made him grow in his career in this short time period.

Shibu Barcalona

light Assistant

Our newest member of the crew, beginning as light assistance back in 2019, he takes the cue from the team head about the tone of the scene and then works to create the appropriate themes by rigging artificial lights.

Praveen CV

head of Marketing

Our Sales and Marketing head and also taking care of all non-technical aspects of NWC, such as planning, and assigning duties to the team member according to the needs and wants of the clients.

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